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Getting the ball rolling on Mallorca.

This year we were getting the ball rolling in february on Mallorca, last year Fuete was real nice and warmer but Mallorcas got more road opportunities for cycling. Besides of that, Sabrina wanted to get to know the streets,because she is doing the job as a tour guide in march for Easy-Tours.

Rare but true: Pirates in the church!? One Moment in silence before a training camp getting started and maybe a little prayer to the weather god…

BjØrn: Pirate-Trainee ...Yes, still you`re able to laugh. Käpt´n Speed will show you the meaning of Endurance Basic exercise training.

What`s the meaning of a Coffee-Tour? Actually you`re just sitting around and waiting...

Käpt´n Speed with his Trainee

What`s for heavens sake…where is the way to Tortuga????

IN the morning Praying in the church and in the evening getting busted by the devil.

Finally we made it 50, in the morning easy Running on the beach with a fantastic sunset. Probably I should go to the church more regulary….???

What`s the Stuff a triatlete needs? A Cap, Sunglasses and a mobile…

for getting rid of loosing weight...I get me a golden bullet!

Summation after 9 days including 2 days off,800km, mostly Sunny, good rides and nice Temperatures? Well, we`ve been spoiled by the Temperatures on Fuerte, but you don`t have to ride in “shorts”
Before I forget everything, the pool was real nice temperated(25°C) Sabrina get to know her Tours is on the drive and can`t wait for her (Maiden Trip) at the 23.03.09

Hasta luego Käpt´n Speed and the Trainee`s

Rainer van Ellen

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