Ahoy Pirates,
before IŽll report you in a few days of my marathon in Willingen, IŽll show you some pictures of my new bike. I was in need of a fast bike for the town and thought together with Ron, of a 3-gear shift, when I remarked that I even were able to came up and down the hill with a single-speed. A fast one, but sadly you need some time to tame it, but if you became friend with the only gear, itŽs a real good bike for the town. A Marin Iverness, but its pimped a little bit. The next I get are some new pedals and a new saddle.
And like this, is the way IŽll be conducted on my daily way to work from the south, thru the old Elb-tunnel…

Cross the harbour until St.Pauli...

…to town.

Thanks a lot to Ron, for helping me, pimping up my bike and to for the wheel-service.
Greetings from the WATERKANT ( waterfront).

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