Pirate Indoorcycling
    We're looking for trainers, instructors, presenters, studios, events……

    Any qualified trainer, instructor or presenter that wants to belong to the Pirate Indor Race and Training team, can becaome a PI (Pirate Indoorcycling)skipper. All you need to do is provide a certificate of qualification… and you're ready to go:

    PI Skippers
    get their initial equipment half off!
    PI Skippers can purchase a special Instuctoren-Trikot under certain conditions.
    PI Skippers get a 30% discount on the merchandise to sell to the participants in their courses (no bargains).
    PI Skippers will be supplied with advertising materials, such as flyers, catalogues, flags, banners, etc., to increase sales, depending on turnover.
    PI Skippers can set up a profile with a picture, info and links, at a special part of our website. We're trying to expand!
    PI Skippers can request a @skipper.pirate.biz email address..
    The first of the "Skippers"

    PI Studios
    The same conditions that go for the Skippers go for the PI Studios: the initial equipment (for the staff) will be supplied at half price.
    Merchandise for the PI Studio-Shop will be supplied at the starting rate of 30% (no bargains), which comes to an additional charge (after deductions) of 74%, markups up to 105% are possible.
    PI Studios can set up profiles on our website with pictures, info and links to their own sites.
    The first of the "Fleed"

    PI Events
    Pirate Indoorcycling is happy to support your house events, e.g. with advertizing materials, banners, or water bottles (around 1/4mil PI per mo.).
    A report on the event, including pictures, goes without saying and we will be happy to add a link to the studio that hosted it!

    Apply at: ron@pirate.biz






Pirate | Ronald Prinzlau |
|Eppendorfer Weg 237| 20251 Hamburg | FON +49-40-58916745 | Fax 48406839